About:  Najiha, 18, Human & i love cat more than i love people.

Archives: February 2010March 2010April 2010June 2010July 2010August 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011September 2011October 2011November 2011July 2012August 2012September 2012October 2012February 2013

I love to play with code. Even kadang-kadang tention sebab asyik salah je then Memanjang 

ERROR ERROR tapi bila dah siap, pheeeeww, Puas rasa hati iiiiinnnniii. HAHAHA

*Blog safa bila dah siap diedit ;) 

Lepas edit blog kawan-kawan, I read a strangers blog & he answered a few questions. 

So I decided to do the same thing too. I was so boreddd & taktahu nak buat apa dah -_____-

Height: 147cm (last time I checked)

Relationship status: In a relationship :)

Shortest relationship: 4 or 5 months. hahahahahaha

Favorite color: All. Oh well, it depends on my mood.

Something I love: Cat?

Someone with a nice smile: Him?

Last person I called: Wany but she didn't answer. Tidur mati agak nya. lol

Who I tell everything to: Myself

Last person I texted: Meen :*

My birthday: 24th August

Age I'm mistaken for: 13/14  because I'm considered """"tall""" for my age

Someone I like: Meen :)

Someone I dislike: I should just keep this to myself -__-

Current crush: Meen :*

Best friends: Wany :)

One girl I trust: Wany :)

One guy I trust: Him :)

Current mood: Insecure. HAHAHA

Who I miss: Meen :(

Who is always there for me: Allah SWT, parents & Him

Who makes me laugh the most: Myself. HAHAHA

Who I do the craziest things with: Everyone. Lol

Who makes me smile: Meen & my close friends

Who annoys me: Form three. Lol

Do you cry easily? : Nope. 

What should you be doing right now? : Sleeping!!! :( 

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months? : Nothing's impossible right? :)

Do you get butterflies around the person you like? : ALL THE TIME BRO. 

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? : Wany :)

What are you looking forward to? : Leaving high school -_____- 

Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do? : Glad we're over :) 

Are you a forgiving person? : Yes. But hard to forget :)

How late did you stay up last night and why? : I slept at 5.00 am &  woke up at 6.20 am

for sch. I had to do a freaking video. Lol

Are you currently in a relationship? : Yeap :) 

What’s your current problem? : Papa not really supportive in things I do :(

Have you ever had your heart broken? : Countless 

The 100 truth

001. Real name  →  Najihatul Syafika Binti Herman :)

002.Nickname(s)→  a lot of people just call me  Najiha ,Fie & Cep :)

003.Zodiac sign →  virgo :D

004.Male or female → female :)

005. Elementary →  louverture.

006. Middle School →  assunta

007. High School → bukitsentosa2 , rawang

008. Hair color → black 

009. Long or short → LONG :(

010. Loud or Quiet → it depends who im talking to, but im pretty loud :)

011. Sweats or Jeans → jeans :)

012. Phone or Camera → phone? 

013. Health freak →  not really? 

014. Drink or Smoke? →  Nope

015. Do you have a crush on someone?→ YES. 

016. Eat or Drink? → Both

017. Piercings → Ears. 2 in left & 1 in right :)

018. Tattoos  → nope


019. Been in an airplane→ Yeah

020. Been in a relationship → ahah :B
021. Been in a car accident →  yeahhh :/ 

022. Been in a fist fight → yeah. but i was in form1 so whatever .


 023. First piercing → ears. When i was 3/4 kot?

024. First best friend → ZETI ZAMRIIIIIIII  we've been friends since we were Fourr years old (:
025. First award → idk. 
026. First crush → syafiiikkkkkkkk . hihi . KAY , DONT JUDGE I WAS IN KINDERGARDEN. lmao.
028. First big vacation → bandung :)


029. Last person you talked to → Wany :)

030. Last person you texted → Meen :) 

031. Last person you watched a movie with → alone :/
032. Last food you ate → i dont remember --'
033. Last movie you watched → Street dance
034. Last song you listened to →   breathe by conor maynard
 035. Last thing you bought → Food
036. Last person you hugged → Mama :)


037. Food → Sushi & Takoyaki

038. Drinks →Mountain dew & Redbull
039. Clothing→shirt :)
040. Books → when she was good :)
041. Music → all time low, cobra starship, bmth, brokencyde, weezer, asking alexandria, the fray, sleigh bells, cage the elephant, linkin park, modest mouse, hollywood undead, eminem, lil wayne, b.o.b.,FAR EASTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT MOVEMENTTTTT
042. Flower → nope
043. Colors → all
045. Positions → lolwut? 
 046. Subjects  → i hate school

IN 2012..... I _______

047.  kissed in the snow -  no 

048. celebrated Halloween - no 

049.  had your heart broken- i guess.? 
050. went over the minutes on your cell phone- no.  
 051. someone questioned your sexual orientation- nope. 

052. came out of the closet- im straight. lol
053. gotten pregnant- no. 

055.  done something you've regretted-yeahh ,  i always do ): 
054.  had an abortion- ^ 

056. broke a promise- no :) 

057.  hide a secret- yeah :)
058. pretended to be happy- yeah :/
059. met someone who changed your life- yeah. i miss the hell out of them. 
060. pretended to be sick - All the time

061.  left the country - i wish. 

062. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it - i loved it. 

063. cried over the silliest thing- no. i dont cry that much. 

064.  ran a mile - yeah? 
065.  went to the beach with your best friend(s) - no. 
066. stayed single the whole year- i dont think thats ever happen


067. Eating- no 

 068 Drinking- no 

069. I'm about to- get on skype. 

070. Listening to → Keep forgetting by Jojo

071. Plans for today →  i dunno. have to make some

072. Waiting for → Next month


073. Want kids? → yep :)

074. Want to get married? → yeah

075. Careers in mind? →  music producer, thatd be hella cool. Lol


076. Lips or eyes → Lips

077. Shorter or taller? → taller than me :)

078. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic? but both are good :)
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → lol stomach. 

080. Sensitive or loud →  which ever?
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship. im no whore. 

082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → trouble maker..i guess? 


083. Lost glasses/contacts → All the time 

084. Ran away from home→ yeah.  

085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → no 
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone's heart →  dunno. but if i did, i feel bad. :/ 
088. Been arrested → no 
089. Cried when someone died → who doesn't ?


 090. Your self- sometimes. 

091. Miracles → not really. 
092. Love at first sight → NO.  

093. Heaven → yeah ;)

094. Santa Claus →  no :) 

095. Sex on the first date → wtf ? NEVER ! 

096. Kiss on the first date → sure? 


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → duh :) 
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → not really :(
099. Do you believe in God → obviously :)
100. Are you a virgin → yeah :)

Mind over matter


Kadang kadang, kita cari pasangan yang sama umur dengan kita. They tend to serve as our comrade, our teammate sebab kita beranggapan yang kita akan lalui the same kind of shit everyday. Susah senang pun mesti benda yang sama. Bila exam study sama-sama semua. 

Then there's the case where kita cari pasangan yang lebih tua daripada kita for the sake of experience that they had. Sometimes, us girls seek older men, who can prove to be a more thrilling experience & more matured.

But then, age is just an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.

Moving On

Kadang-kadang kita terlambat untuk realize yang kita sepatut nya kena move on. Kita manusia kena berubah untuk masa hadapan kita, bukan nya kenang kan kisah silam. But I have to admit that some of us changed  BECAUSE of our past that thought us on how to be wiser & be more mature in our future. So I always treat my past as a mistake. Kesilapan yang membuat kan aku lebih kuat. Mungkin?

Some people weeps terribly lepas breaking up dengan boyfriend or girlfriend dorang. Ada yang sampai menunggu-nunggu ex diorang balik ke pangkuan diorang dengan harapan yang melangit padahal dah takde harapan dah -_____-
 Ex bf/gf diorg tu pun dah lari ke pangkuan orang lain. In my opinion, this kind of action are very pointless, worthless & ultimately stupid. All you have to do is  8 letters, 2 words, 1 sentence

Moving On. Moving On. Moving On!

Benda yang apling susah untuk kita lakukan after we breakup. Yep, akan ambil masa yang lama untuk kita lakukan. Tapi kita kena sedar yang kita kena lepas kan semua beban tu dengan satu cara je, Move On.  Let go of him or her & focus on your future. Jangan disebabkan seorang douchebag or seorang bitch, tak pasal-pasal masa depan kita tergugat. Haihhh. Come on lah,  hidup bukan pasal relationship je kan? cuba fikir, banyak lagi benda yang kita perlu experience kat dunia ni betul tak? Sebab tu lah ada orang prefer to stay single je . Bukan sebab relationship ni complicated, tapi sebab orang tu sendiri yang banyak sangat songeh  &  perangai orang tu sendiri yang membuatkan relationship tu complicated. Ada yang emo sangat. Ada yang kuat sangat merajuk. Ada yang cepat sangat salah sangka. Ada yang cemburu buta. Ada yang gedik sangat. Macam macam ragam manusia -_____-

Sebenar nya, nak bermove on ni tak susah. All you need to do is  just stop contacting with your ex. Buang benda yang mengingat kan korang dekat ex korang or senang-senang bakar je sebab tak boleh kutip balik. HAHA. macam ni. Habis semua kena bakar -_______- card anniversary, gambar, bear, baju dia. Er, semua lah -______- 

Kalau lelaki pulak, senang je rasa nya nak bagi korang move on. Lepas kan geram into video games or sports. Channel your anger into physical sports like boxing ke kan :D
 It would be fucking nice to punch the hell out of that punching bags :)
Kalau susah sangat, cari jela yang baru :')
Cari yang lebih jujur & loyal berbanding our previous ex bf/gf.
Find Someone who could spend time & do awesome stuffs with you compared to your boring ex bf/gf :)

Oh well, moving on hasn't been that easy for me. Seriously, All those inner scars took a lot of time untuk sembuh kan balik.
 & I managed to recover. Thanks to my new awesome life Muhd.Mukmin cause always there for me :')
To further move on, I've decided not to contact my ex at all, not even to have the slightest intention of being friends with him anymore. Yep.

& now we're back as strangers like we start :)

Teenage Dreams :)


 Peringkat di mana semua orang akan lalui. Mama aku, papa aku, parent korang, korang sendiri termasuk lah aku akan laluinya :)
Some people said, time ni la kita mula buat perangai & ramai gak orang baru nak mengenal erti sayang or cinta di bangku sekolah. Many people said that teenage love doesn't last long. Is it? I saw people dating for nearly 3 to 4 years during their school years & now they still stood sturdy & devoted to each other. Setia je. Hahahaha. But not all lah. Some nak experience gak dengan pelbagai jenis orang, nak tukar selera la apa la, then tukar bf/gf. But ada yang tukar bf/gf macam tukar baju. Ha, yang ni aku tak faham lah kenapa dengan dorang -____- 
ada pulak yang beranggapan Selagi belum ada apa-apa ikatan, dia bebas pilih seiapa. Yes, for sure lah boleh. But sampai bila nak cari yang betul-betul suit kan? dah ada yang nak, terus kan je. Ni konon nak cari yang Perfect untill tu diperbodoh kan dengan couple sendiri -____-
 Hmm, for me its okay la, some nak amik semua ni sebagai pengalaman. Pengalaman untuk masa depan mereka katanya. HAHAHAHA. Apa jenis orang lah ni. Haih, sokay lah :)  Masing-masing ada hak kan? :)

    Orang tua-tua kata, teenage love ni sekadar cinta monyet je.
 After some time, akan rasa bosan dengan couple sendiri.  Lagipun, hati manusia ni selalu berubah. Kejap sayang kejap benci kejap sayang balik kejap benci balik. Dah biasa lah aku tengok couple gaduh-gaduh cam orang gila pastu sayang-sayang balik -____-
Its normal lah for couple to fight or argue over simple matters. When couple fight, they tend to understand each other more &  indirectly, they will love each other more :)
 Kadang-kadang salah laki curang, kadang-kadang salah pempuan suka sangat sosial . Tak semua orang betul. Tak semua orang perfect. Memang susah la nak cari couple, yang dah couple lama giler tapi tak penah gaduh langsung. Siapa yang ada tu aku cakap tahniah lah. Korg memang dah sah tak  normal. Haha. Bf yang sabar &  gf yang sporting pun pernah gak gaduh. Bahkan pasangan berkahwin pun biasa argue. Eh? HAHAHA

   Hmm. For me, i have a long distance relationship with my bf. The experience thought me how to be patience :') Relationship yang jenis ni, memang menguji kesabaran. Serious oh -____- 
Memang kenaa sabar tahap gaban la bila dah dapat relationship yang jenis macam ni. Cause bukannya selalu dapat dating or jumpa boyf kat sekolah macam couple-couple lain tu -___-
 If jumpa pun, ada la dalam sebulan sekali. Ada yang sampai 4 bulan sekali je jumpa sbb jauh sangat -_____-
Asal sampai macam tu sekali? Eh, Nama pun jauh. Haha. But the best thing is, bila dapat jumpa bf tu, rasa syok sangat. Feeling sky high. Haha. Dapat jugak melepas rindu yang teramat :'D
 Haih, aku pulak terasa rindu kat boyf aku. haha apa lah -__________-

2011 :')


Ya Allah. I Miss SMK ASSUNTA so much! :(
 kalau boleh nak habis kan sekolah dekat sana je :(
since Tadika sch Assunta sampai la ke menengah. Then last year papa tetiba nak pindah. Balik rumah tengok rumah Kosong. I was like "APA NI BENDA NI?" terkejut, sedih, marah semua ada. 
marah sebab pindah tak bagitahu. Marah sebab pindahkan aku sch tanpa pengetahuan aku. 
 One month menangis. One week protes taknak pergi sekolah baru.
One week duduk dalam bilik. Three days tak makan. Konon nya, kalau buat macam tu boleh pindah balik PJ. But, tak kan menjadi apa. Papa tetap dgn pendirian dia.
Seriously, even dah dekat setahun pindah sini tapi hati ni still dekat PJ :(
papa bila dia kata taknak, mmg dia taknak. Buat la apa pun, dia tetap macam tu :(
okay, kali ni nak Entry pasal Assunta :'D First, Assunta ni sekolah lama aku :)
sekolah Kedua Terbaik area PJ selepas Sekolah Perempuan Sri Aman :)
nak masuk pun ikut result UPSR -_____-
memang memilih -______-
& sekolah ni Half swasta :)
okay lets start with -

1 - Lencana Sekolah :)

2 - Lagu sekolah. 
Panjang kan? HAHA. 

3- Library :)

jarang sangat pergi library. Penat sebab tinggi sangat -____-
kalau pergi pun lepak dalam bilik apa tah. Bilik tu kedap suara. Kau nak melalak pun boleh dalam tu. HAHA. Kiranya ada 1 level, mmg khas untuk yang suka bercakap. Library tapi boleh bising :D hihi
4- Our Canteen :) 
canteen sekolah paling cool la kot. Tak macam canteen sekolah biasa. Ada Tv semua. Kalau nak pasang CD, bagitahu je uncle canteen tu. nanti dia pasang kan then tengok rama-ramai :D Menu pun best :) cuma harga mahal sikit. Ha, biasa lah tu kan :D dulu masa sch sini, setiap hari Isnin benda wajib beli SUSHI! hihi 

5- Our Student Art Gallery :)

6- Hospital Assunta 
 We have our own hospital ;)

7- Class :)

8- Thinking Pool :)
pool ni jarang sangat pergi. Kalau pergi pun time ada masalah. Sbb dekat sini banyak pokok. Then ada ikan. So kalau rasa stress, student boleh lepas kan geram dekat sini. Baling la apa pun dalam kolam ni kecuali sampah. Aku selalu baling batu je. Kalau kawan aku yang non muslim, kebanyakkan baling coin dalam ni.

 9- padang Kawat :)

 Ni pulak kalau Time Valentine day, semua murid dapat 1 :) Then cikgu siap buat tempahan if sesiapa nak hantar kat mana-mana sekolah budak lelaki. Sekolah mana je yang buat macam ni? HAHA

 10- sch lawn :)
student tak akan lupakan tempat ni :) perhimpunan tak payah beratur. Duduk depan class je :) tapi ada peraturan pelik sikit. Dekat lawn ni, tak boleh pijak rumput. Nanti kena denda. HAHA

 11- science Lab :) 

12- Vestibule.
 Tempat student habis kan masa lepas sekolah. Lepak main lappy. Kawasan Wi-fi  khas untuk student :D

13- Padang sekolah :)
padang sekolah paling besar dekat PJ :)

Hihi. Last sekali. Ni gambar class masa 2011 :')

4 commerce 3. Serious rindu sangat class ni :( Classmate semua satu kepala. Sorang taknak masuk calss, semua taknakk. Last-last satu class kena berdiri dekat Lawn sebab ponteng subs Science. Aku ingat lagi weyh. HAHA. Semua sepakat je. Sorang buat hal, semua backup :') sampai ada satu tahap, cikgu pun malas nak tahan budak tu sbb kitaorg putar belit cerita -____-
 Tak kira cina, melayu, india kitaorg memang nampak macam 1 family. Balik sekolah je mesti lepak Old Town sesama :D
cool kan? ;) Hmm, I thank you all for the memorable moments you have shared with me :'D singing during classes, eating in class, dancing, playing phone during exam, shouting like orang gila -_______- & our ridiculous inside jokes. & I know one thing for sure, is that I can trust you all with anything I do & I have built such a fantastic relationship with each & every one of you. We all one Family right? :"D Thanks for the Memories Okay! Imissyou & Iloveyou all! InsyaAllah, one day kita akan jumpa balik. Who know kan? :')

What a girl want, What i Want :)


*Source : from blog Iman. HAHA

*source : Yahoo

*click the picture for a better view :)

Assalamualaikum & Hye Readers :)

Soo, i was googling something just now. And i saw this guy Asked Yahoo.
Soo lovely :')
Thanks for making me realize there are still nice guy :')
hhmmm, i just read a
One fact say that girls always chase for a Hot guy or even guys chase hot girl. Eh?
seriously, i dont chase for hot guys -____- for me, hot guys are blind. Yup. BLIND.
They dont look at girls yang biasa. Nak yang lawa je -_____-
Tapi kalau yg dulu nya gemok then tetiba kurus then hott, haaaa. Itu mmg jenis kenang hati budi. im wondering why guys nak yang kurus, lawa, tinggi je? oh wait. Im not fat or chubby okay. Ni keding je ha tapi pendek -___-
oh, hmm maybe they think they are so hot! melted with chocolate. EH? HAHAHAHA
jangan la terasa yang tak gitu ye? & kalau hot guys bila ada perempuan yang nak dekat dia, mula lah buat muka mintak penampar -____- & said "Dia ni ke yang minat aku. Ei, tolong la" you dont know what girls akan balas balik " Haaa, Perasan" so jangan terpedaya lah ye. HAHAHA. Actually, apa aku tengah merepek ni -____-
oh, & one thing, the only guys yang betul-betul can me me cair is a sincere ILOVEYOU :')
Idk why. But, rasa nya itu dah memadai kan? kau nak mintak lebih-lebih buat apa?
kena tinggal baru tahu. HAHAHA.
For me, i just want a guy who see me as i see him. Love me as i love him. I just need a guys that treat me right. That's enough kan? :')
& Alhamdulillah. Dah jumpa dah pun orang yang Ikhlas menyayangi aku & terima aku seada nya :')
*Jiwang* hahaha
Mama selalu pesan yang Dalam dunia ni, kalau kita tak cari mmg tak akan jumpa :)
hmm, Okay enough for today. Will update more post soon. InsyaAllah :)