The First, The Last and The Only.
Love hurts. Boys lies. Friends Cry. People Die. Parents yell.You always try. You’re never good enough and you don’t know why.
die - hard - tryinggg
A fake smile is something that I’ve been wearing for as long as I can remember. Hidden anger and loathe towards some of my peers and family members is something that will always be a part of me. I laugh to hide my hurt, I gossip because i care and i’m so laid back because whenever I try, I never succeed.
You left without a sound :(
Dear Parent's ,
You know what I hate the most about you ? How you always see the worst in everything I do . You never seem to appreciate any of my accomplishments however you always seem to manage pointing out all my flaws. Why can’t you be proud of me for once ? I try so hard, but you’re always disappointed. I hate it :(
Where would I be without THEM ? ♥
Mistakes are part of being human (:
And whether you agree with this or not, we all know that in some point in our lives, we’ll look back at the mistakes we’ve made and be grateful of them, for letting us learn from them, even though it may of been the hard way.
I’m too scared to let people in
Not through my front door, but to actually know me. I prefer to listen to others than talk about myself. Perhaps I don’t really know what to say, but I know that I don’t want to say too much. I’m scared that I’d get hurt. I’m too scared to write a lot of my personal opinion on tumblr because I’m afraid you’d know too much. I feel that I can’t let my guard down.
New changes .
Being in a new area and adjusting to a new lifestyle isn’t too bad. Well there’s barely no reception, hae no internet connection and no neighbours at all -.-
i worry to much
— Leo Cruz - Make It Or Break It
i think people make mistakes, and they’re going to disappoint you, especially the people who love you the most. And if you can’t forgive them for not being perfect, you’re going to end up alone.
Truth Out ,
I’m not the most emotionally stable person at the moment. Who knows what’ll happen if something stuffs me up. I’m pushing people away, and I constantly emotionally hurt myself. When I’m around people that love me, all my drama goes away. Nothing matters except that moment and the people stuck in the moment with me. Right now, I’m lost for words whenever I try to write about my life. It’s one big illusion, everything looks in perfect condition; but it’s not. Everything’s falling apart. I myself don’t understand why it’s all happening but it is.
them :)
It’s those people who bring smiles to your face the split second you see them. It’s those people that constantly make you laugh whenever you’re around them. It’s those people that have your back when everything goes wrong. It’s those people that keep you sane. It’s those people that put you back on track when you’re losing your way. It’s those people who wipe the tears from your eyes. It’s those people who you can talk to for days, even hours and never get sick of them. It’s those people who you don’t realise are the best things in your life until they’re gone. It’s those people who It’s those people that automatically choose to stay in your life without you asking them to.
really ? :)
that awkward moment when you realize you’re recording when you meant to take a picture.
crying for this :"(
You need to realise that I’m never going to be perfect.
I make mistakes. I’ll always make mistakes, I’m freaking human. But no matter what, I’ll always try my best to learn from my mistakes. I’m never going to be the smartest person there is, the most beautiful girl there is, the most amazing singer nor the best dancer that ever lived. I don’t want to be all of those things. One of them would be nice, but not all. So, that I actually have to strive and work hard for those things later on in life. To be honest, I don’t want to be perfect. It would be pretty boring. Flaws and imperfections make me who I am and not some robot. I’m happy with who I am, and if you can’t understand that, then you don’t understand me.
Justin Bieber - Pray ;)
Take a walk in my shoes .
I didn’t walk into your life by accident,
because in this world there are no such things as accidents. Truth is, everything has a purpose
Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.
And even in that moment of the slightest doubt, don’t. Your actions will forever speak louder than your words, if your actions do not match up to your speech
because you brighten up my dayyyy :(
Everyday, you catch my eye.
i don't hate people
I don’t think I could ever hate people. Hate is too a strong word, just like love. It hurts when someone says “I hate you”. No matter what people to you, whether it be a mistake or on purpose, they’re going to change. You can’t hate someone due to that one small thing they did to you.
blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting
— Winston Churchill
i found a reason
demit :(
I wish you would look past every