About:  Najiha, 18, Human & i love cat more than i love people.

Archives: February 2010March 2010April 2010June 2010July 2010August 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011February 2011March 2011April 2011May 2011September 2011October 2011November 2011July 2012August 2012September 2012October 2012February 2013
i missss this :(


hahaha ! haha ! hampir same kann :D
gilaa laah =.='

just another remedy :))

I remembered every night staying up talking to you. & When you stayed up so late just to talk to me. Although i wanted to sleep but still I was silently happy that you did. The way that you make me feel, that nothing else matters in the world. That for once I actually know someone who like me for me. How idiotic you can be with your Elmo voice, the way you call my name, the way you call me baby :). I can’t feel anything. When you sang random lyrics while we’re on the phone, listening to your horrible voice but the voice that I love to hear. The sound of you falling asleep, the sound of you breathing..

what i did in this week at school ?

isnin - dtg skolaa teros tido =.='

mse assmbly pown tido . ckgu ckap buad ta dgar je :p

selasa - dtg skolaa mate bengkak -_____________-'

munifa ingat akuu gado ngan hazim . pdahal ta ckup tidoo . haha

rabu-satu class kne brdiri ! fuyoooooh ! hahaha

kne berdri sbb sume ta buad KGT :)

khamis - tolak kepala shailani :P

haha . akuu tolak ade sbb . suro diam tana . da kne tolak baruu syap :p

jumaat - dtg skolaa tros buat concert dgan dilla . haha .

melalak - lalak dlam class . ckgu tadee en . biase laa tuh . haha .
best dohhh :)